Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rudi's report from Costa Rica and recent casino exploits

Rudi Schiffer
  Enjoying my trip to Costa Rica and several things stand out after two days in San Jose: The dirty and noisy capital city, traffic congestion and the sound of car horns and loud mufflers. Walking on a sidewalk is an adventure in itself as deep holes, large cracks and garbage test your agility. It has been sunny and warm - in the low 80s. It is not bad at all. Occasional thundershowers cool it down and wash the city, which needs it.
  People are really friendly here. Casinos are little corner stores and the games suck. They have outdated slots and when you place a $5 bet you have people looking at you like you are a high roller. Young and very pretty ladies hover in expectation. I asked why they were there and was told they are "hostesses." They didn't appear to work. They just lounged around in scant and revealing clothing. I suspect they have other duties.
  I visited the infamous Blue Marlin Bar (and casino), which had about 10 customers and 100 hookers who were not timid. I finally had to fend them off... "No mas, por favor." They were gorgeous though. Travels in Costa Rica will continue... Adios.

The Blue Marlin Bar is at the Hotel & Casino Del Rey

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rudi travels to Costa Rica

I’m off to Costa Rica and eagerly anticipating  my departure for San Jose on June 20. Of course it’s a gambling  junket  but  interspersed will be eco-tours (no zip lines for this  old boy) deep sea sport fishing, swimming at Jaco Beach on the West Coast, golf, dinning and lots of fun. I’ve heard only good things about this small country just north of  Panama and others have as well as some 135,000 Americans live there in retirement or work there. But I will still wear a money belt close to my tummy. Will also be doing a little business there and it may open new ventures that will be exciting. Just have to keep re-inventing myself. I’ll be sending reports from Tico land so stayed tuned.
